Friday 11 April 2014

today, and life lately

Today, my big brother is getting married. Today, my family grows and I gain a new sister and friend for life. It is times like this that my heart is stirred. I believe in a God who always has something more for us: something more to learn, something more to gain freedom in, something more to be healed in, something more to be blessed by and celebrate. Today my heart is stirring over love. Today I am thinking about love - the challenges it brings, and the joy that it brings. Today is a day of celebration and excitement for the beginning of a new season for my family and I.

Also, here is life lately according to Instagram. My brother's wedding marks the almost end to my European adventure (for now!) so here are a few memories caught on the faithful iPhone. Follow along with me on instagram here.

A gift from Mr. Handsome

All set with my beloved Osprey!

My old Dutch University Town

Gotta love Nespresso!

Freshman friends reunited!

A magical day in Bruges, Belgium

London Calling!

Oxford. Always in my heart.

My favorite library in the world

In love

The sunshine followed me everywhere!


Unknown said...

Have a fabulous day today. Love to all the Sargeants xxxxxxx

Yara Miora said...

Sweet sister of mine,
I need us to either be in the same country or for you to blog more because I miss you so much!