Tuesday 1 January 2013

a look back at 2012....

2012 has been quite the adventure for me. I moved from living in one foreign country (here, hereherehere and here) to living in another foreign country (here and here). I started driving on the other side of the road. I changed University and switched my major. I peaked my first mountain (here). I was blessed to explore seven countries with great friends by my side (here). I have made friendships so honest and wonderful they amaze me (here and here) and I have had my heart broken a couple of times. 2012 has been quite a year. Here are some highlights.
I also talked about change here, here and here.

I completed my first year of University at The Roosevelt Academy in The Netherlands:

I spent my Spring Break in my favorite city, Paris, with good friends and it was magical:

I spent the summer in my homeland of England (here, here and here):

Then I moved to Boise, Idaho:

 THANK YOU 2012 
you have been such an adventure
2013...I expect nothing less

1 comment:

Shelley Paige said...

Great post!! Love, love the crayon costumes!!! Here's to a great new year!!